Discrimination and anti-discrimination in institutions

17. Dec 2021.

Organized by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization, a round table on the topic of discrimination and anti-discrimination in institutions was held on Tuesday, December 14, in the premises of the Hotel "Balašević" in Belgrade.

The round table was opened by Emila Spasojević - accredited lecturer in the field of human rights and Aleksandar Balinović - Deputy President of the National Council of the Roma National Minority.

Discrimination is a negation of human rights, and as such, and a remarkably negative social phenomenon. It means any unjustified discrimination or unequal treatment of an individual based on race, color, nationality, nationality or other personal trait.

All participants in this event on the topic of human rights discussed with the lecturers about problems they encountered so far, and how to react in case of human rights discrimination together.

The event was implemented through the project "Social Inclusion of Roma and Other Vulnerable Groups in Serbia" funded by HEKS / EPER, Switzerland.