Humanitarian Assistance and Protection Related Interventions to People on the Move in Serbia

The goal of the project is to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of migrants in reception, asylum and transit centers in Serbia through direct humanitarian aid and providing access to psychosocial support by organizing occupation workshops in reception centers.

  • The planned activities will be implemented within 13 reception centers and include:
  • Training of 15 volunteers from Subotica, Shida and Sombor to work with people on the move  Training of 20 social workers to provide and improve support in the work of people on the move in 13 reception centers
  • Distribution of cash cards to the most vulnerable categories in 13 reception, asylum and transit centers in Serbia
  • Distribution of hygiene packages intended for reception centers (Adaševci, Principovac, Sombor, Subotica and Šid)
  • Occupation workshops in three reception centers: crocheting / knitting, sports activities, music workshops, painting, etc. (Sombor, Subotica and Sid)
  • Documentary film workshops in three reception centers (Sombor, Subotica and Sid)


Implementation period: March 1 - March 31, 2023.

Partner: HEKS / EPER, Switzerland

Project Coordinator: Milica Milović Kinoli>