Poseta Trg Dortmunda u Novom Sadu, pobratimski gradovi Novi Sad i Dortmund

Youth exchange Novi Sad - Dortmund 2024

16. Jul 2024.

This year's exchange is the seventeenth in a series of meetings of young people from the twin cities of Novi Sad and Dortmund, with the aim of promoting volunteerism, youth activism and...

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Youth activism and volunteerism

16. Jul 2024.

As part of the youth exchange visit program, our guests from Dortmund visited the Office for Roma Inclusion of the AP Vojvodina, where they were hosted by the director of the Office, Ljiljana Mihajlović.

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ACT Europe Forum Annual Meeting 2024

06. Jun 2024.

During the previous week, on May 30, 2024, the director of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization had the privilege of attending the ACT Europe Forum Annual Meeting...

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