A summary of EHO projects and events supported by the:

Ongoing projects
Education and economic empowerment of marginalized groups
In order to improve the socio-economic status of marginalized groups in Vojvodina, EHO launched a three-year project (2022-2025), consisting of two components: economic empowerment and educational integration. It is planned to support 588 members of marginalized groups in Vojvodina during the project duration.
Support to the Integration of Returnee Families
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the reintegration of returnees from Germany to Serbia, support for dignified return and prevent the main reasons for repeated illegal migration, providing various support measures to returnee families through local integration associates that make up the Integration Network in Serbia...
Support to Education of Socially Deprived Children in Serbia
The aim of this three-year project is to improve the chances and success in the education of socially deprived children and young people (children and young people from underprivileged families and those who belong to particularly vulnerable categories such as members of the Roma minority including children and/or young people with disabilities)...
Improvement of Socio-Economic Situation of the Marginalized in Vojvodina Through Education and Economic Empowerment
In order to improve socio-economic situation of marginalized groups in Vojvodina, a three-year project (2019-2022) was launched, consisting of two components: economic empowerment and education...
Home Care and Assistance
The overall goal of the program is to improve the quality of life for the elderly and sick by providing licensed high quality home care and home help services. [EHO has a License to provide home help services issued by the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs since September 2015]...
Recent events
International conference "Poverty and educational deprivation of Roma children - challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic before and after 2022."
The international conference "Poverty and educational deprivation of Roma children - challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic before and after 2022" was held in the period 22 - 23 September 2022. in Hotel Putnik in Novi Sad, organized by the Diakonie Württemberg from Germany and EHO...
School Bag Distribution in Elementary School "Veljko Petrović" Begeč
Within the EHO project "Field work with children who are at risk of being involved in life and/or work on the street", the distribution of school supplies to pupils from the 1st to the 8th grade attending the mentioned elementary school and live in Bangladeš-substandard Novi Sad...
Finished projects
EHO-appeal 2022, support for vulnerable Roma families during covid-19
EHO provided humanitarian aid packages to vulnerable Roma families on the territory of Serbia through the project "EHO-Appeal 2022, support for vulnerable Roma families during Covid-19", in the period from January to September 2022. 150 emergency intervention food and hygiene aid packages were distributed to families...
With and for the Roma in the Danube Region
"With and for the Roma in the Danube Region” is a project that aims to exchange experiences, knowledge and examples of good practice in working with the Roma community and other marginalized groups in the countries of the Danube region... please check also the project website: www.4danube.org
Local mechanisms for the integration of marginalized families
This EHO project was aimed at the support and strengthening of citizens' associations and local initiatives that respond to the social, educational, cultural and other needs of vulnerable groups to improve the integration and position of other marginalized groups at the local level...
EHO-Appeal, support for vulnerable Roma families during Covid-19
EHO provided humanitarian assistance packages to vulnerable Roma families on the territory of Serbia through the project "EHO-Apel, support for vulnerable Roma families during Covid-19", which was supported by the program Hope for Eastern Europe (Hoffnung fur Osteruropa - HfO ) and Diakonia Württemberg...
The Network for (Re) Integration of Returnees in Serbia
The Network for (Re) Integration of Returnees in Serbia is a project created with the aim of contributing to (re) integration of returnees and helping to establish support measures to strengthen families returned from the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Serbia under the Readmission Agreement.
Support to (re)integration of vulnerable families returning or deported from Germany to Serbia
The aim of the project was to provide support and strengthen returnee families in order to increase their functionality and involvement in existing state support systems. The project was implemented over a period of 3.5 years in 32 municipalities in Serbia.
Assistance to evicted Roma
In its three-year cycle, the project had the goal to contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic situation of Roma men and women in the Vojvodina through legal, economic and educational assistance and the improvement of housing conditions, and to support the realization of their human rights.