Home Care and Assistance

The overall goal of the program is to improve the quality of life for the elderly and sick by providing high quality home care and home help services [EHO has a License to provide home help services issued by the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs since September 2015].
The program is implemented in the Municipality of Bački Petrovac, the Municipality of Plandište, the Municipality of Sečanj, the Municipality of Raška and the Municipality of Gadžin Han. Home help and home care services are available to the elderly and people who have physical and mental difficulties due to which they are not able to live independently in their homes without regular assistance in daily living, without care and supervision of their activities, and do not have available or insufficient family support.

Implementation period January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025 in the municipality of Plandište
Partners: HEKS EPER, MÖWE, Municipality of Raška,  Municipality of Bački Petrovac, Municipality of Plandište and service beneficiaries themselves.

Project coordinator: Borka Vrekić> borka@ehons.org