Assistance for a New Start

This project is being implemented with the aim to improve reintegration of returnees in Serbia, by providing them with better legal access to public services, better access to employment and improvement of their living conditions.
The project consists of three components: legal assistance, assistance for self-employment and assistance for housing improvement. The plan is that during the project, assistance will be provided to returnees, primarily from the territory of the project locations (Sremska Mitrovica, Ruma and Pećinci), but also beyond, including the territory of Novi Sad and Vojvodina. Priority is given to vulnerable returnee families with poor housing conditions, the unemployed and unaided by other organizations. At the same time, up to 20% of the supported may be non-returnees from marginalized groups in the same locations (Roma or non-Roma, internally displaced persons, recipients of social assistance, families living in similar conditions of poverty).
The project envisages legal assistance in the form of informing and providing personal documents for 450 persons, support for self-employment in the form of equipment to start their own business for 62 persons and assistance for improving housing conditions in the form of technical assistance and construction materials for repairing of their own houses for 50 families, who will also receive assistance in the form of basic household appliances or furniture. In the last 6 months of the project, urgent reception assistance will be provided to three newly arrived returnee families who were referred to EHO assistance while still in Germany. This assistance includes emergency packages of food and household chemicals, building materials for minor home repairs or for basic household appliances or furniture, as well as a startup grant for self-employment for one unemployed family member.
Also, through cooperation with all relevant partners at the national and local level, further active work of EHO on the improvement of existing policies and practices related to housing, work and (re) integration of returnees (and Roma) is envisaged.
The project methodology is based on respect for basic human rights and support for the vulnerable to realize those rights, equality, participation, multisectoral cooperation / partnership, efficiency and transparency.
Implementation period: December 1, 2020 - May 31, 2023
The services that will be provided are supported, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, under the “Migration for Development” (PME) Programme.
Project coordinator: Ana Birgeš,
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