Humanitarian Volunteering for Solidarity Activities (HVSA)

The overall objective of the HVSA project is to strengthen the values of social inclusion and integration of those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged by supporting personal, social, economic, educational, civic and professional development. The project pays special attention to the sustainability and mitigation of climate change risks and the development of soft livelihood and digital skills and literacy. These objectives support the promotion of the EU values of equality, non-discrimination, human rights protection and human dignity, freedom that are – thanks to this project – promoted even beyond the territory of the EU.
The project brings together 8 partners: 2 from the EU (Sending Organizations) and 6 from third countries (Hosting Organizations). The EU-involved organizations from Czechia and Slovakia will, in coordination with receiving organizations, recruit, prepare, deploy and evaluate 24 European Solidarity Corps volunteers in 3 non-EU countries (Serbia, Uganda, Zambia) for volunteering projects from 6 to 12 months. These volunteering projects will support the non-EU partners and local communities in the following sectors: education, rural community development and integration, livelihoods, food and health, environment, disaster risk reduction, digitalization, communication, logistics, and social inclusion.
In this three-year period of project implementation, EHO will receive 3 volunteers who will provide social and educational support to children and youth from Roma settlements and Reception centers for migrants and asylum seekers in Serbia.
Besides the deployment of volunteers, the project will include several capacity-building activities to reinforce all partners in organisational volunteering and project development and management. Capacity building seminars will cover the following themes: Volunteering management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Socio-economic empowerment, Cash and Vouchers Assistance and Safety and security of volunteers in a Humanitarian context.
The project is supported by the European Union through the European Solidarity Corps program.
Time of project realization: 1.2.2024 and ends on 31.01.2027.
Project coordinator: Milisav Milinković