Empowerment of refugee women, children and unaccompanied minors in Serbia

The project ”Empowerment of refugee women, children and unaccompanied minors in Serbia” is a continuation of the EHO project, "Empowerment of Refugee Women and Children", implemented since 2019 in the previously closed reception centers Subotica, Sombor and Šid including the currently open reception centers Principovac and Bujanovac until January 31, 2025. The implementation of the current project is started in the reception centers Principovac and Bujanovac.
The primary goal of the project is to cultivate heightened sensitivity and acceptance among the local community and domicile population towards children, young people, and families dwelling in Reception Centers in the Republic of Serbia due to the migrant crisis. By doing so, the project aims to foster their successful integration into local society and/or destination societies. Further, educational and creative workshops for children and youth shall develop their educational and individual capacities, whilst occupational workshops for women shall support the development of their work skills and open up opportunities for their integration:
• Educational activities (organization of Serbian and English language classes, mathematics, geography classes) through cooperation with other pupils and bearers of initiative for equal chances in education, and through supporting children and youth for attendance in online lectures.
• Creative workshops for children, where children express their creativity and develop their potentials through differently shaped thematic approaches.
• Work-creative activities for women, aimed at developing skills important for their vocational training.
• Sports occupational workshops to keep children and unaccompanied minors from roaming the streets, giving them alternative for a safer growing-up.
• Workshops on the subjects of Safety and health and Human rights toward a raised awareness of the both dangers and entitlements including realistic expectations while transiting toward the desired destination country, particularly of the rights they can exercise upon arrival.
Using these means, the direct participants in project activities shall be given justice and fair treatment in the process of migration toward desired target societies through opportunities for empowerment and incapacitation to renew capacities for restoration of their own lives.
Implementation periods:
February 01, 2025 - January 31, 2028.
Partners: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia
Further information: teo@ehons.org