Empowering refugees in Serbia

The project aims to support vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in the Asylum Center in Vranje and the Reception Center in Bujanovac, empowering them through education, vocational training, psychosocial support and social integration. The focus is on restoring human dignity, strengthening individual capacities and reducing social isolation through activities that enable better integration and future employment opportunities.

The main activities of the project are:

The project organizes Serbian and English language courses to facilitate communication and integration of refugees into society, while vocational training and digital skills courses enable the acquisition of practical knowledge for better employability. Special emphasis is placed on empowering women through vocational training, which provides them with the opportunity for economic independence.

To improve the mental health and overall well-being of participants, the project offers various psychosocial programs, including individual and group therapies, workshops on building resilience and coping mechanisms. Creative workshops in the fields of art, music and drawing additionally enable participants to express emotions and overcome trauma.

Physical activity and recreation are an integral part of the program, so the project organized sports activities, pilates and yoga for women, as well as swimming for children and adults, with the aim of improving physical and mental health. Cultural and educational excursions, visits to museums, theaters and historical sites contribute to the exchange of experiences and understanding of different cultures in Serbia.

Social integration and intercultural dialogue are important aspects of the project, so through workshops on human rights, intercultural dialogue, and visits to local communities, connecting refugees with the local population is encouraged, reducing prejudice and discrimination.

The project is funded by the United Methodist Committee on Relief of Global Ministries (UMCOR) .

The project lasts: December 1, 2024 - December 1, 2025.

Contact: milisav@ehons.org