WDP 2022 "I will give you a future and hope" (Jeremiah 29:11)

21. Feb 2022.

Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization shall organize a joint women’s ecumenical prayer event on the occasion the World Prayer Day, on Friday, March 4 2022 in the Slovak Evangelical Church A.C. in Novi Sad. This year's prayer was written jointly by sisters from England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The theme of the prayer is "I will give you a future and hope", based on Jeremiah 29:11. The story of persecution and captivity of the Jewish people in Babylon will be our guide for reflection on modern forms of slavery, captivity, and exclusivity. Women from these countries will present to us how exploitation, racial intolerance and domestic violence is present in their society. On the mentioned day, women around the world will pray for Great Britain, but also for the whole world in which they seek to see more justice, more joy and more hope. We will also pray for the future of our planet, which we are increasingly exploiting and destroying its riches.

Although we do not know what is coming in the future and we are not able to control it, we firmly trust in the Lord and his promise that he sends through the prophet Jeremiah, “Because I know the thoughts I have for you, and that is to give you a future and hope, peace and not trouble”.

Women of the Ecumenical WDP circle in Novi Sad cordially invite you to come to the Slovak Evangelical Church on Friday, March 4, 2022 at 5:00 PM, Vuka Karadžića Street No.8, in Novi Sad/Serbia, to pray together with millions of women that day for a better future and new hope.

WDP Board, Serbia