Invitation for training on the project "Humanitarian Assistance and Protection Related Interventions to People on the Move in Serbia" EC Radulovački, Sremski Karlovci, September 9 – 11, 2022
10. Aug 2022.
The Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization is one of the leading civil society organizations in Serbia, which through practical action contributes to the construction of a just society in which diversity is respected. EHO's target groups are vulnerable and marginalized groups whose human rights are violated and/or discriminated against.
We hereby invite you to register for a three-day training session intended for engaged workers and volunteers in reception centers who are in direct contact and work with the migrant population (social workers, pedagogues, educators and other professional associates who provide psycho-social and integration assistance and support).
Other persons interested in working with migrants can apply for the training.
The topics we will cover during the training are Humanitarian Principles and Psychological First Aid (PFA).
The training aims to help the workers engaged in the reception centers to be better prepared to respond to the specific needs of migrants and/or minors/unaccompanied children on the move. It will also help them strengthen their capacity to support migrants.
The goal of the project "Humanitarian Assistance and Protection Related Interventions to People on the Move in Serbia"is to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of migrants who are in reception, asylum and transition centers in Serbia through direct humanitarian aid and providing access to psychosocial support by organizing occupation workshops in reception centers.
Travel, accommodation and food expenses are fully covered by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization.
Application method:
Apply to email:
In order to apply send following information: Name and surname, date of birth, place of residence, contact phone number, indicate whether you are employed or have been employed in one of the reception/asylum centers and in which position.
The number of places is limited, so we will close applications when we fill the expected number.
The deadline for applications is: 31.08.2022. until 4:00 p.m
Note: People who are not currently engaged in the mentioned positions but are interested in the topic can also apply for this training. Priority will certainly be given to the target group, and the remaining places will be filled with other interested parties.