Global Handwashing Day in the Reception Center Sombor

21. Oct 2022.

The Global handwashing Day is dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance of proper hand washing with soap, as an effective way to prevent disease. This day is celebrated all over the world on October 15. On this occasion, through the project "Empowerment of refugee women and children", an educational and creative workshop was held in the Reception Center in Sombor with children staying in the camp.

The importance of hand and whole body hygiene was explained to the children. After the conversation with the children, a creative workshop followed, which involved creating a poster on a given topic. At the end, the children demonstrated proper hand washing with the help of water and soap.

This day is a reminder that proper hand washing is one of the best steps to avoid the spread of infections and germs.

The project "Empowerment of refugee women and children" is implemented by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization with the support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).