International Mother Language Day is celebrated

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02. Mar 2023.

International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year on February 21. This date was set in 2000 with the aim of improving, learning and developing the mother tongue, and fostering linguistic and cultural diversity.

A UNESCO document from 1970 states: "Mother language marks the path of a human being and with it he enters society, makes the culture of the group to which he belongs and lays the foundations for the development of his intellectual abilities."

Educators of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization organized workshops and marked this day in the reception centers in Šid and Sombor through the project "Empowerment of Refugee Women and Children".
The children recited songs from the countries they come from, Syria, Afghanistan and Russia.

Also, the children wrote words in their mother tongue, so that other people would get to know their language. The aim of the workshops is to encourage the acceptance of diversity, preserve traditions and nurture the mother tongue.

The project "Empowering Refugee Women and Children" is implemented by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization with the support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).