International Roma Day 2023 and EHO

07. Apr 2023.

International Roma Day, which is celebrated today, April 8, is dedicated to the largest European ethnic minority, the Roma.

Although traditionally a peaceful people, the Roma were to a greater extent victims of undisguised discrimination and racism, especially during the Second World War. This awakened awareness among the Roma people and the need for an organized struggle for the realization and protection of human rights. In order to develop a strategy of organized struggle for their rights, the Roma of the world are organizing the First Roma Congress under the slogan "Stop racism, discrimination and persecution".

This day has been recognized since 1971 and is a recognition of the history, language and culture of the Roma people.

The study and promotion of Roma culture and language falls under the jurisdiction of the laws concerning the preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity on the one hand and the protection of minority languages on the other.

Today is also a day to remind that the Roma continue to face multiple discrimination and marginalization in Serbia and throughout Europe. Discriminatory treatment and stereotypes prevent Roma from fully participating in political, social and economic life around the world. The cost of ignoring such vulnerabilities is too high.

It is necessary to ensure equal access to education, employment, housing, health care and public services to respect their international obligations, to respect the human rights of all people within their borders. The fight against discrimination and antigypsyism is crucial for mutual understanding and can contribute to closing the gap between communities.

The Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization emphasizes the necessary commitment to the inclusion, equality and non-discrimination of the Roma, because every individual is born free and equal in dignity and rights.

We congratulate all Roma on International Roma Day!