A Call for interested students

19. Apr 2023.

The Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization invites interested students of journalism (or students of related studies who are interested in journalism), as well as other interested persons, to apply for a series of lectures within the project "We see it this way - New frameworks for conversations about migration", which we carry out in cooperation with the IOM (International Organization for Migration), and with the support of the Swiss state. The partner in the project is also the Faculty of Teachers in the Hungarian teaching language in Subotica, department for communicators. After a series of lectures in Subotica, we are now continuing with lectures in Novi Sad. A total of 5 lectures are planned, lasting 5 weeks, where we would discuss together the topic of migration, ways of ethical reporting on the topic (analysis of existing content, positive and negative examples), share experiences from the field and look at short testimonies of migrants that we recorded during the previous project, in the Reception Centers in Subotica, Sombor and Šid.

The lectures would take place in the period from April 28 to May 26, on Friday afternoons, lasting an hour and a half, in the premises of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization, in Novi Sad. We would like interested participants to commit to participating in all lectures and accompanying activities, in order to fulfill the ultimate goal of the project.

After the lecture, we will organize two Living Libraries in Subotica (the project covers travel expenses), where living books will be refugees/migrants from Reception Centers, as well as humanitarian workers. The goal of this event is for male and female students to hear the life stories of these people first-hand and after passively listening to the books, get the chance to do an interview with them (in written, audio or video format), which we will later distribute on student portals and social networks. , and through media that show interest in cooperation.

The second Living Library will be open to the public, and students can get an insight into the community's interest in the topic, they can actively participate in the organization of events and supplement their stories with conversations with local residents.

We ask interested students to apply no later than April 26, to the e-mail of the project coordinator: milica@ehons.org. It is enough to send your name, surname, year of study and write in a few sentences why you want to participate in this project. The number of places is limited to 10, due to the activities foreseen by the project.

Lecturers on the project: Ida Boka (journalist and activist) and Viktorija Zakinski Toma (journalist and assistant at the department for communicators in Subotica).

Project languages: Serbian, English, Hungarian (simultaneous translators provided if necessary). Lectures in Novi Sad will be held in Serbian.

Link with project description: We see it this way - Re-framing narratives about migration - Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization (ehons.org/en/)