Info session at the Reception Center in Sombor


30. May 2023.

An info session was held at the Reception Center in Sombor, organized by the International Organization for Migration IOM and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia, with the support of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization.

To the new users who arrived at the Reception Center, the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration pointed out the mode of functioning and work of the camp itself, the presence and action of organizations present on the ground, as well as the rules of conduct that apply in the center itself.

The Eumenian humanitarian organization presented the project "Empowerment of refugee women and children" and its activities, which it offers daily to users through various sports, educational and social workshops.
After talking about the rights they have while in Serbia, but also about basic human rights and instructions to whom they can turn for help, the users creatively presented their journey and expressed their wishes and goals.

The International Organization for Migration IOM guided them through the entire session pointing out the numerous risks that await them on the way. The participants pointed out that the info session was of great importance, because they got the opportunity to discuss different situations they encountered, as well as because of the educational and useful information that was shared at it.

The project "Empowerment of Refugee Women and Children" is implemented by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization with the support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).