A professional training on communication skills held for EHO volunteers

Philoškinja Dragan Ćuk Milaknov pojašnjavanja značaj razlikovanja datih pojmova

05. Jun 2023.

A training on professional communication skills was held for volunteers involved in the activities of the project "Support to children at risk of being involved in life and/or work on the street". The training was led by psychologist Dragana Ćuk Milankov. The trainer presented the participants with communication skills with a practical focus on non-verbal communication, elements of - I messages, encouraged interlocutor assertiveness, and establishing psychological boundaries in working with users. For 13 years, EHO has been implementing the above-mentioned project, and involving volunteers in the implementation of activities. Volunteers on the project are potential future professionals, most often from the field of auxiliary sciences, have the opportunity to upgrade their knowledge each year, which complements the experiences they gain through project activities. 20 volunteers were involved in this year's training.

The above-mentioned project is implemented with the support of the H. Stepic Foundation from Vienna, and the goal of the project activities is to provide support that makes anybody involved find their place in society, both children and young people who are directly supported, and also volunteers as future professionals.