International Youth Day was celebrated in RC Šid


14. Aug 2023.

During the past weekend in RC Šid, educators of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization, in cooperation with the representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia, the Center for Social Work and the International Organization for Migration, organized an activity on the occasion of the International Youth Day, which is celebrated on August 12.

In accordance with this year's youth day theme "Safe places for young people", a workshop was held, through which emphasis was placed on the need to have safe places where the mentioned category can engage in activities in accordance with identified needs and interests.

As the program for sustainable development of the UN until 2030 promotes the creation of an environment that contributes to interaction and constructive intergenerational dialogue, young people who, as unaccompanied minors, stay in the aforementioned reception center participated in an educational-creative workshop through which they shared their experiences on the transit route to the Republic of Serbia.

In the final part of the activity, the young people wrote messages through which they expressed their sense of security during their stay at PC in Šid, thanks to the comprehensive support provided by the above-mentioned actors on the ground.

The project "Empowerment of refugee women and children" is being implemented by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization for the third year in a row in the reception centers in Šid and Sombor, with the support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church from Chicago.