Children's week 2023 in Reception center in Šid
09. Oct 2023.
Within the Children's Week celebrated every year in the first week of October worldwide, various activities are organized in the Reception Center in Šid. In the first part of the Week, EHO associates, representatives of the Center for Social Work, International Organization for Migration and Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration held an educational workshop on the topic of children rights, obligations and responsibilities included in the Convention on the Children’s Rights. Additionally, art workshops were also held in which young people painted pictures on different surfaces. The final activity organized was a Sports Day, which included competitive games in the training ground with prizes for the winners.
The mentioned activities are part of the project "Empowerment of Refugee Women and Children", which is implemented in the Reception Centers in Šid and Sombor, with the support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church from Chicago.