World Refugee Day and World Music and Peace Day celebrated in Bujanovac

27. Jun 2024.

On the occasion of the World Day of Music and Peace, our associate engaged in the Reception center Bujanovac held an appropriate workshop with unaccompanied minors in the Children's Corner, where the children painted their flags and messages of peace.

On the occasion of the World Refugee Day, we also took part in the joint event organized by KIRS, UNHCR and SIGMA-plus with the local self-government in the center of the town of Bujanovac on 21st June, 2024, where we gathered women, children and youth from the local community and users from reception centers Bujanovac, Vranje and Preševo. Balloons with messages of peace were placed on the stands, handmade by Ukrainian women who prepared for this day, and a cake for all.

The Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia and local media also made media coverages of the World Refugee Day event: