Yard and House Maintenance Equipment Delivered to Dragana Pavlović as Assistance for Self-Employment

09. Jul 2021.

These days, the requested yard and house equipment was handed over to Dragana Pavlović from Mačvanska Mitrovica at her home address, in the presence of the director of EHO, Anna Brtka Valent. This equipment is a part of the assistance for self-employment of unemployed persons within the EHO project "Assistance for a New Start".

Dragana is 38 years old, divorced and lives alone with her underage son. She has only finished primary school and occasionally, for 3 years, he cleans houses and yards and thus supports herself. Although she is not a returnee from Germany, for whom this assistance is primarily intended, the assistance for her was approved because this project provides support also for up to 20% of non-returnees from marginalized groups.

The obtained tools (from mower, trimmer, pressure washer, cart and various axes, hoes, and accessories for various types of cleaning around the house, to protective equipment, visors and gloves and boots) for maintaining yards and houses, will certainly make it easier for her to work and will enable her to develop her business and thus earn the necessary income for her life. There is also the professional assistance of EHO advisors in running the business until the end of the project, because increasing the monthly income of users is one of the priorities of this project.

The services provided under this project are supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH under the Migration for Development (PME) Programme. The Programme is part of the global initiative “Returning to New Opportunities” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).