A meeting in EHO to empower local project associates

11. Oct 2024.
From Wednesday, October 9 to Friday, October 11, a supervision meeting was held with associates engaged in the project "Support for the education of socially deprived children and youth in Serbia". As in previous times, in addition to project questions and the exchange of experiences from the field, this meeting was also used to acquire new knowledge and further empower our associates.
Maja Nedeljković and Rebeka Sabo, professional workers of the Shelter for Children and Youth of the City of Novi Sad, presented this social service whose goal is to improve the lives of children and youth who live and work on the streets. Since this does not exist in the smaller local communities where we implement the project, the presentation was an opportunity for our associates to hear how the Shelter provides services, especially when it comes to supporting children's education.
Also at this meeting, some of our associates presented examples of good project practice from their schools; Mevlida Demić, Zoran Petrović, Nenad Asanović and Milorad Jovanović told us about the experiences from Vranje, Kraljevo, Bošnjace and Mionica.
The project "Support for the education of socially deprived children and young people in Serbia" is implemented with the support of the German organization Brot für die Welt. The aim of the project is to improve the chances and success in education of children and young people who come from families of lower socio-economic status.