A training on discrimination and gypsyism for employees in local institutions of the municipality of Kovin held
23. Dec 2024.
The training was attended by representatives of local public institutions, schools, municipal administration and the National Employment Service.
In the part of the training on the topic of discrimination and human rights, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with concrete examples of discrimination through which the key role of the institution of the protector of citizens in the fight against discrimination was pointed out. The participants went through the existing legal frameworks that protect the rights of minorities and were reminded of the importance of the institutions' actions in protecting the rights of all citizens equally.
Through an interactive lecture, the participants had the opportunity to learn about specific forms of discrimination, gypsyism, which is a special form of racism aimed at members of the Roma community, and offensive speech that is present in our social community.
In the second part of the training, ambassadors against gypsyism spoke to the participants about the importance of encouraging tolerance among citizens, emphasizing the key role of participants, if members of non-Roma communities, in preventing discrimination against Roma and other members of marginalized groups. Prejudices and stereotypes are explained as a phenomenon that has a bad effect on all human beings towards whom they are expressed. It was concluded that strengthening mutual trust and cooperation between institutions and communities that face discrimination is one of the ways to prevent discrimination and gypsyism.