Supporting children in the winter months

13. Jan 2025.

As part of the project "Support for children at risk of being involved in street life and/or work", funded by H.Stepic CEE from Vienna, winter jackets were distributed to children from substandard settlements in Novi Sad: part of the Adice, Veliki rit and Bangladeš settlement. 122 children received the jackets, to provide them with the necessary protection during the cold winter months.

The children, who were provided with support in the form of jackets, were previously involved in various workshops and activities organized within the project, such as art and educational workshops, while their parents participated in health workshops.

A particularly worrying fact is that a large number of children came to collect jackets without adequate clothing, which clearly indicates the urgency of this aid and its importance for improving their living conditions. This action successfully fulfilled the goal of providing children from the most vulnerable environments with basic conditions for protection and warmth during the winter.

The ecumenical humanitarian organization continues to implement activities that contribute to improving the quality of life of children in street situations, with the support of partners and donors who recognize the importance of such initiatives.