Ecumenical service of the World Day of Prayer in Novi Sad on Friday, March 7, 2025.

25. Feb 2025.

This year, as part of our ecumenical work, our organization is organizing a service for the World Day of Prayer, which will be held on the Friday 7th March 2025 at 5:00 p.m. in the Greek Catholic Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul, in Novi Sad, Jovana Subotića Street No. 8. The program and liturgy were prepared by women from the distant Pacific nation of the Cook Islands. The theme of the liturgy is “You have made me wonderfully” and is based on a verse from Psalm 139:14. The service invites us to recognize that God created us with great care and love. God knows us deeply; we are precious and unique to Him. When we open our hearts to this truth, everything in our lives changes. We shine from within and begin to see other people as beloved children of God. We hope that this service will spiritually uplift the participants and strengthen their faith in God’s infinite love.

You are all cordially invited.