World Day of Prayer service held in the Greek Catholic Church of St. Peter and Paul on Friday

10. Mar 2025.
This year, the ecumenical World Day of Prayer service was held at the Greek Catholic Church of St. Peter and Paul. This year, the liturgy was prepared by Christian women from the Cook Islands, and the whole world joined in prayer for this country that day. Through this liturgy, entitled "You Made Me Wonderful" and the stories of the women we read, we were also connected to millions of women who expressed their solidarity, love and empathy with the women of the Cook Islands through this liturgy.
The service was also attended by the Bishop of the Greek Catholic Church Đuro Džudžar, who at the beginning of the service addressed the faithful and expressed his support for this movement and ecumenical cooperation. We were also pleased with their presence by the priests of the Novi Sad churches, as well as Miroslav Ilić, Assistant Provincial Secretary for Culture, Public Information and Relations with Religious Communities.
The worship service encouraged us to strengthen our faith in God's infinite love and the belief that we are safe and protected in His hand.