A Study Visit to Schools in Hungary
28. Feb 2020.
A study visit to our colleagues from Hungary who work in schools that implement inclusion programs was organized and realized on 25th and 26th February 2020 within the EHO project „Social Inclusion of the Roma and Other Vulnerable Groups in Serbia“ financially supported by the HEKS/EPER. Visits were made to primary schools in settlements Nagyharsány and Drávafok that work with remarkable numbers of underprivileged children including children from the Roma minority. Our hosts presented an array of inclusion based activities that engage and empower all stakeholders in education process – pupils, parents and educators. Such approach, realized with the mentor support from HEKS/EPER, has yielded results in its second realization year: increased children’s competence, more motivated educators, and parents more interested for educational achievements of their kids.
The purpose of this visit was to introduce guests from Serbia with inclusion process in Hungarian schools, exchange experiences and transfer some good practice examples in our schools. The delegation from Serbia was consisted by Education Assistant of the Novi Sad School Directorate of the Ministry for education, science and techno advancement ,of Government of Serbia, President of the Education Board of the Roma National Council of Serbia including coordinators and assistant of several EHO educational projects.