EHO event “Sun-Bathed Autumn”
31. Oct 2020.
Social-Diaconal Center "Bereš Karolj" is place where employees of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization celebrate important October dates. There were actually three important celebrations marked in this single event:
- It is our tradition that we dedicate one event to seniors in the last week of October - the “Day of the Elderly” where beneficiaries of our Club for Seniors participate in the program with appropriate recitations and fun anecdotes.
- A special Mention was also given to the Thanksgiving Day, when we give thanks for the fruits of the earth, usually this event is celebrated in the Protestant tradition on October 10.
- We also commemorated the Reformation Day, which is important for the EHO, because the organization was founded mostly by Protestant churches.
- Our colleague Šandor Pastor participated in the short musical part of the program accompanied by his son, and they performed a couple of fun songs for us and thus contributed to a cheerful and fun atmosphere.