EHO actively involved in support plans to the Roma in partner municipalities Raška and Žabalj

EHO i partnerske opštine Raška i Žabalj aktivno rade na planovima podrške Romim

02. Dec 2020.

Difficult living and housing conditions of Roma families settled in substandard settlements in Raška and Žabalj coupled with high time to resolve these issues is a considerable challenge for EHO project teams in Raška, Žabalj and EHO main office.

The lasting partnership between these two municipalities and EHO is developing through realization of different projects targeted at Roma communities living on territories of these two municipalities.

The current situation imposed by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemics has forced these two municipal project teams and EHO to change their modality of work with local communities and municipal institutions however their activities were never stopped. The most adequate solutions and the most applicable capacity building plans for Roma families and municipal institutions directly involved in project activities are carried out intensively.   

All activities implemented by the EHO in municipalities of Raška and Žabalj are based on needs of community and individually tailored for beneficiaries and institutions aiming to contribute to a better integration of this community into the entire social system. 

Project realization is supported by the HEKS/EPER of Switzerland.