Support to women's entrepreneurship
20. Dec 2020.
Within the EHO project "Improvement of the socio-economic situation of the marginalized in Vojvodina through education and economic empowerment", EHO supported the opening of enterpreneurial shop „INDEX LELA“ which is a fast-food restaurant with the seat in Novi Sad. Her beneficiary support package includes trainings to initiate and manage business, to create a business plan, also including the procurement of equipment/tools for the best business ideas, including mentoring and support. On the equipment donation list for Lejla Jovanov, owner of this enterpreneurial shop, listed are: grill hood, pancake maker, deep fryer, pizza oven, toaster and other necessary equipment for work.
Lejla was umenployed before starting her own business. She believes that this business venture would provide economic stability and open new possibilities for herself, her husband and their children.
The project is implemented with the support of Brot für die Welt and Diakonie Württemberg / Hoffnung für Osteuropa from Germany.