A first session of the workshop "In someone else's shoes" held
17. Sep 2023.
We asked the participants of the workshop "In someone else's shoes" to describe their impressions in one sentence, we share only a few with you:
"Discomfort awakens awareness."
"A terrifying, magical, unforgettable experience."
"Feeling deeply leads to thinking, which leads to change."
"This experience was terrifying for me, but it's a good thing because it opened my eyes to things I didn't even think about. "
"I hope that one day the world will be a place where we travel only for love. I am shaken and sad.
"This experience helped me to get to know a new dimension of the topic of migrants and their problems. I believe that such workshops are of immense importance, due to the educational and humanitarian aspect."
For the first time, we worked with secondary school pupils on the topic of migration, aiming toward an understanding of the wider context and awakening empathy. 15 high school students of the Laza Kostić Secondary School, majoring in stage and audio-visual arts, and their teacher Sonja, entered the premises of EHO with curious eyes on Saturday morning. They didn't know what to expect exactly, and neither did we.
In addition to the already known methods and showing a short educational film, we performed an exercise, which we came up with after a year of working in the field with refugees and migrants, and after a semester of working with students of the Department of Communication at the Faculty of Teachers in the Hungarian language of instruction in Subotica. All these experiences led to the creation of an activity called "In other people's shoes", and we are grateful from the bottom of our hearts to the students of this Novi Sad high school and their Sonja, for trusting us and actively cooperating in this process. We hope to carry out this workshop with many more high school students and students, with the aim of awakening compassion, critical thinking and discussion related to the topic of refugees and migration. Thank you!
For the curious ones, you too can sign up for the workshop and feel what it's like to be "In someone else's shoes". We accept applications until the end of the day. https://ehons.org/en/news/55/1697/invitation-to-the-workshop-in-someone-elses-shoes.html
This activity is part of the project "Protection support and humanitarian aid to people on the move" implemented by the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization with the financial support of HEKS/EPER from Switzerland.