Floral and herbal decoration in the Reception center Šid

27. May 2021.

Our activists and women in the reception center Šid organized an activity of arranging and planting of various flowers and herbs during the month of May 2021. A large number of refugee women generously responded to the participation and gladly joined the work. The women showed...

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Radionica profesionalne orijentacije za učenike osmog razreda

Vocational Career Days event for 8th grade pupils in Subotica

20. May 2021.

The attending children analyzed educational profiles and researched high schools in accordance with their interests and success in primary school, through active participation, group discussion and individual work. Presented was also the new Calendar of activities for the final exam...

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dogodovštine Nikole Tesle

Children's workshop on the occasion of the Nikola Tesla Day

19. May 2021.

A workshop on the topic "Adventures of Nikola Tesla" was held at the elementary school "Veljko Petrović" in Begeč. Students from the 1st to the 3rd grade of the above school participated in this art workshop. The works created within the workshop shall be sent to an art competition...

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Free legal aid - who can provide you with this help

17. May 2021.

According to the Law on Free Legal Aid, providers of free legal aid can only be lawyers and legal aid services in local self-government units, and only those who are registered in the Register of Providers maintained by the Ministry of Justice. Associations and civil society organizations may provide free...

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Free legal aid - what are the forms of this assistance

17. May 2021.

According to the Law on Free Legal Aid, free legal aid consists of: Provision of legal advice. Drawing up a submission. Representation. Defense. Associations are allowed to provide the following forms of free legal support: provide general legal information and filling forms.

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Free legal aid - what it is and who is entitled to it

17. May 2021.

A novelty from October 2019 is the Law on Free Legal Aid ("Official Gazette of the RS", No. 87/2018), which specifically regulated the provision of the free-of-charge legal aid. Free legal aid consists of providing legal advice, drafting submissions, representation and defense. Legal aid is free for ...

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3. ciklus obuka

The third cycle of advanced trainings was held

05. May 2021.

A new group of participants went through a cycle of three trainings intended for beneficiaries from Vojvodina who show the potential for expansion and registration of their existing business. The legal and bookkeeping aspects of business, marketing and...

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Happy Easter!

02. May 2021.

Easter is the greatest Christian holiday. It is a holiday that symbolizes the victory of life over death, the triumph of good over evil through the act of Christ's resurrection. This year, Roman Catholics celebrated Easter on April 4th , while Orthodox celebrated it on May 2nd. On Good Friday, the day when Jesus was crucified...

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The second cycle of trainings for business initiatives

28. Apr 2021.

The second cycle of three trainings which are intended for beneficiaries from the Vojvodina who show the potential for expanding their existing business, was held in the EHO center. The areas covered by this training cycle were: the legal and bookkeeping...

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Women in the IT industry are important

27. Apr 2021.

Positioning women in the IT and digital marketing industry as well as empowering them to enter that world and embark on career building, were the topics of four two-day trainings held for a total of 40 women during March and April via the zoom platform...

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Annual Report 2020

Annual report for the year 2020.

22. Apr 2021.

Dear friends, we present to you the annual report of our Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization for 2020. We have focused our activities on helping the most vulnerable people in Serbia, and in front of you is the annual report of our organization, which is a summary of the activities on our projects...

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Dan planete Zemlje

Earth Day was celebrated in the Šid reception center

22. Apr 2021.

In April, the implementation of the project "Empowerment of Refugee Women and Children" (ELCA) continued in the reception centers in Šid and Sombor. As April 22 is Earth Day, educators hired to provide support to women and children in the above-mentioned reception...

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