Direktorka EHO-a uručuje opremu

A donation of landscaping equipment

13. Nov 2020.

Another story on a recent support to a beneficiary in the EHO project "Improvement of the socio-economic situation of the marginalized in Vojvodina through education and economic empowerment" with aid from Brot für die Welt and Diakonie Württemberg/Hoffnung für Osteuropa.

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Agron Cakici

Support to entrepreneurial initiative

12. Nov 2020.

A coverage of a recently support to a beneficiary of the EHO project "Improvement of the socio-economic situation of the marginalized in Vojvodina through education and economic empowerment" with aid from Brot für die Welt and Diakonie Württemberg/Hoffnung für Osteuropa.

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Šandor Pastor i Gergej Pastor Kiči, Green Onions Blues Band

EHO event “Sun-Bathed Autumn”

31. Oct 2020.

Social-Diaconal Center "Bereš Karolj" is place where employees of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization celebrate important October dates. There were actually three important celebrations marked in this single event: The day of Elderly, Thanskgiving Day, Reformation Day. Our colleague Šandor Pastor performed a few songs...

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Dokumentarni film Urbana pustinja

Urban desert documentary

30. Oct 2020.

A documentary film titled "Urban Desert" is an output of the project "Field work with children at risk from involvement in life and/or work at street". Film protagonists are children, youth and parents involved in project activities under direct supervision of volunteer work through organization of creative-educational...

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Picture exhbition and "Urban Desert" film premiere

26. Oct 2020.

The film premiere "Urban Desert" was held at the Novi Sad Children's Cultural Center (NSDKC), Cultural center "Mlin". This documentary is focused on life of children from socially vulnerable families living in substandard settlements on the territory of the city of Novi Sad.

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osnovna skola dusan radovic - radionica - maske

Personal hygiene routine formation workshop held

23. Oct 2020.

A workshop on children's hygiene routines was held at the Elementary School "Dusan Radović" in Novi Sad. The workshop was attended by pupils from first four grades and the workshop goal was to establish positive hygiene habits at an early age and also to form a positive attitude...

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Predstavljanje Mreže za integraciju

Social protection services aimed at supporting returnee families

21. Oct 2020.

The round table "Services in the social protection system" organized byEHO on 21 October 2020 is that the needs of returnee families under the Readmission Agreement are multiple and complex, and that they need a comprehensive approach that includes cooperation between governmental and non-governmental sectors in order to strengthen and (re) integrate families.

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Plesom kroz bajku

Dancing through Roma fables and legends

17. Oct 2020.

The intercultural festival "Dancing through a fairy tale" was held at the Theater of Šabac with an aim to further promoting Roma culture and Roma cultural identity, including cultural heritage of other national communities living in the city of Šabac. The festival presented various dance...

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Predstavljanje rezultata lokalnih inicijativa

The mechanism of Local initiatives for impact in society

13. Oct 2020.

The results of the 5-month work of EHO associates in 6 municipalities in Serbia were presented on 13 October 2020 in EHO Center. Presented were results of work of our associates in six local initiatives realized from May to September 2020 in six municipalities in Serbia...

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