Sewing protective masks in RC Šid

23. Jul 2020.

I am glad that after a long time, activities for women were organized here again. We spent time mostly with the children in the yard of the reception center. Here we have the opportunity to exchange experiences in a pleasant atmosphere, set aside some time for ourselves and do something that we will all benefit from ... Masks mean a lot to us when we go out of the reception center, for shopping or walking. Now we can finally make custom-made masks for children.

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Creative workshop for children in RC Šid

17. Jul 2020.

The children painted their portraits with tempera, but also portraits of their mothers. At the end of the workshop, all the works were exhibited in the children's corner, which made them especially happy and proud.

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Autism speaks with the heart

07. Jul 2020.

The project is a supplement to the existing programs for children with autism and allows to master the skills of making didactic material that contributes to the development and improvement of motor skills of children with autism spectrum.

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Personal empowerment program for co-workers and volunteers

06. Jul 2020.

Topics were principles of emotional health, worked on raising awareness of resources for sustainable functioning and identifying controllable and uncontrollable obstacles, as well as on the adoption of strategies and tools for overcoming blockages in work.

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Knowledge has power

25. Jun 2020.

...strengthen the Roma community in Kragujevac and Krusevac for active job search through various trainings on writing a resume, cover letter and by organizing trainings for professional occupations.

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Summer cycle of workshops for children started

25. Jun 2020.

The topic of the first workshop was drawing self-portraits, and the children, in addition to their character, had the task of drawing what they missed the most during the movement restrictions due to the state of emergency introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. The workshop was also used to educate children about general prevention measures that can help protect them from this virus.

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Health for all

17. Jun 2020.

... aiming to increase the awareness of the Roma community about the importance of preventive health control and raise the level of health culture of Roma of all ages in rural areas of Babusnica through organized preventive examinations Roma Association "Zora" from Babušnica implements the project "Health for All"...

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A meeting of the Roma inclusion network "Mir"

16. Jun 2020.

Improving communication, exchange of information and experiences in the field of implementation of specific activities and projects of interest to the Roma population in the City of Šabac were the topics of the meeting of the Roma Inclusion Network - MIR held on Friday, 12 June 2020 in Šabac

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A traning on identity and discrimination

15. Jun 2020.

...fifth training within the project "Strengthening the capacity of local and Roma communities in the city of Šabac for inclusive processes - LET'S GET INVOLVED (Inclusion Key) “...

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